Novel Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy with Magnetolith® and Focused Electromagnetic Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy in Medial Meniscal Tear – A Case Report

Case Report | Volume 2 | Issue 1 | JRS Jan – Jun 2022 | Page 32-35 | Karsten Knobloch

DOI: 10.13107/jrs.2022.v02.i01.43

Author: Karsten Knobloch [1]

[1] Sport Praxis Prof. Knobloch, Hannover, Germany.

Address of Correspondence
Prof. Dr. Karsten Knobloch,
Heiligerstr. 3, Hannover – 30159, Germany.


The case report describes a non-invasive combination of novel extracorporeal magnetotransduction therapy (EMTT) with focused extracorporeal shockwave therapy for symptomatic medial meniscal tear in a 41-year-old gentleman. Ultra-high-frequency 33 MHz ultrasound revealed a complex medial meniscal tear with a ganglion confirmed by subsequent magnetic resonance imaging. Non-invasive treatment with combined novel Magnetolith® EMTT with focused electromagnetic extracorporeal shockwave therapy for three sessions on a weekly interval. Shear wave elastography at 6 months demonstrated comparable stiffness of the healed and the healthy contralateral meniscus. The healing of the meniscal tear could be depicted by multiparametric ultra-high-frequency ultrasound (33 MHz) with novel stress testing and shear wave elastography.

Keywords: Magnetic field, Extracorporeal shockwave therapy, Extracorporeal shockwave therapy, Meniscal, Ultrasound, Pain


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How to Cite this article: Knobloch K | Novel Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy with Magnetolith® and Focused Electromagnetic Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy in Medial Meniscal Tear – A Case Report | Journal of Regenerative Science | Jan – Jun 2022; 2(1): 32-35.

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Extracorporeal Shockwave Treatment for Managing Biofilm-mediated Infections in Dentistry: Current Knowledge and Future Perspectives

Review Article | Volume 2 | Issue 1 | JRS Jan – Jun 2022 | Page 22-26 | Antonia Olivares, Christina M A P Schuh, Sebastian Aguayo

DOI: 10.13107/jrs.2022.v02.i01.39

Author: Antonia Olivares [1], Christina M A P Schuh [2], Sebastian Aguayo [1,3]

[1] School of Dentistry, Faculty of Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile.

[2] Centro de Medicina Regenerativa, Facultad de Medicina, Clínica Alemana-Universidad del Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile.

[3] Institute for Biological and Medical Engineering, Schools of Engineering, Medicine and Biological Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile.

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Sebastian Aguayo,
School of Dentistry and Institute for Biological and Medical Engineering, Schools of Engineering, Medicine and Biological Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile.


At present, chronic non-communicable diseases are becoming more prevalent across the world. Among these pathologies, oral diseases such as dental caries and periodontitis are some of the most frequently observed in populations worldwide. These biofilm-mediated infections are produced as a consequence of a series of factors that modify the oral microenvironment and lead to dysbiosis among residing biofilms, which are particularly difficult to treat with pharmacological approaches due to their structural and anatomical characteristics. Furthermore, the recent sharp increase in antimicrobial resistance has potentiated the need for the development of novel techniques to effectively treat biofilm-mediated diseases in the mouth. One option that has recently shown promising results in vitro is the use of focused high-energy extracorporeal shockwave therapy (fhESWT) for the control of microbial growth and biofilm formation. Several studies have shown the effect of fhESWT on the treatment of biofilm-mediated infections associated with bone fractures and orthopedic implant infection, although the mechanisms behind this effect are still unknown. Regarding the oral cavity, there remains a lack of clinical studies but there are some limited in vitro and in vivo investigations that shed light on the potential of fhESWT for biofilm control. Therefore, the objective of this review is to discuss the most relevant available literature regarding the in vitro and in vivo effects of fhESWT over biofilm control, as well as the potential use of fhESWT for the treatment of oral biofilm-mediated diseases in the future.

Keywords: Bacteria, Biofilms, Extracorporeal shockwave therapy, Focused high-energy extracorporeal shockwave therapy, Fungi, Microorganisms.


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How to Cite this article: Olivares A, Schuh CMAP, Aguayo S | Extracorporeal Shockwave Treatment for Managing Biofilm-mediated Infections in Dentistry: The Current Knowledge and Future Perspectives | Journal of Regenerative Science | Jan – Jun 2022; 2(1): 22-26.

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State of the Art in Ultrasound-Guided Surgery: Concept, Planning, Instruments, Classifications, Indications, and Literature Review

Review Article | Volume 2 | Issue 1 | JRS Jan – Jun 2022 | Page 16-21 | Bernáldez Domínguez Pedro, Dallo Lazzarini Ignacio
DOI: 10.13107/jrs.2022.v02.i01.37

Author: Bernáldez Domínguez Pedro [1], Dallo Lazzarini Ignacio [1]

[1] Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine, SportMe Medical Center, Unit of Biological Therapies and Ultrasounds, Seville, Spain.

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Bernáldez Domínguez Pedro, Md. PhD,
Tabladilla, 2, 41013, Seville, Spain.


Musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSK-U) and ultrasound-guided interventionism have had significant development and use in clinical practice in recent decades, including minimally invasive surgical procedures assisted by ultrasound. In the current literature, there is no consensus on the terminology of these procedures, with several terms used such as ultrasound-assisted surgery, ultrasound-guided surgery (UGS) or echo-guided surgery, sonosurgery, percutaneous ultrasound-guided procedures, and ultra-minimally invasive UGS. The MSK-U allows us to diagnose musculoskeletal injuries, but it is also a handy tool to assist us when performing different therapies on the tissues. They are procedures that require a good learning curve but that, once achieved, will allow us to develop other techniques depending on the type of pathology, obtaining good clinical results and in many cases avoiding having to open the focus or expand the surgical wound, with the advantages that this supposes. Therefore, UGS allows us to locate the exact site of the injury, understand the dynamics of the pathology; it does not need to open a wide surgical field, sometimes we will not put stitches or staples, and it can be combined with arthroscopic or endoscopic procedures (Ultrasound and Arthroscopic-guided Surgery). In this article, we describe the concept of UGS, its planning, the necessary instruments, the different indications, and a current concept review on the subject.

Keywords: Ultrasound-guided surgery, ultrasound-guided interventionism, ultrasound-assisted surgery, sonosurgery, ultrasound-arthroscopic surgery.


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How to Cite this article: Pedro BD, Ignacio DL | State of the Art in Ultrasound-Guided Surgery: Concept, Planning, Instruments, Classifications, Indications, and Literature Review. | Journal of Regenerative Science | Jan – Jun 2022; 2(1): 16-21.

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Lower Extremity Stress Fractures: General Concepts and Treatment with Focal Shock Waves and Radial Pressure Waves

Literature Review | Volume 2 | Issue 1 | JRS Jan – Jun 2022 | Page 09-15 | Antonia Olivares, Christina M A P Schuh, Sebastian Aguayo

DOI: 10.13107/jrs.2022.v02.i01.35

Author: Osvaldo Valle Toledo [1]

[1] Department of Orthopedic Surgeon, Ankle and Foot Team, MEDS Clinic, Santiago de Chile; President of ACHITOC
(Chilean Association of Tissue Engineering and Shock Waves).

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Osvaldo Valle Toledo,
Department of Orthopedic Surgeon, Ankle and Foot Team, MEDS Clinic, Santiago de Chile; President of ACHITOC
(Chilean Association of Tissue Engineering and Shock Waves).



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How to Cite this article: Toledo OV | Lower Extremity Stress Fractures: General Concepts and Treatment with Focal Shock Waves and Radial Pressure Waves. | Journal of Regenerative Science | Jan – Jun 2022; 2(1): 09-15.

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Very Low and Low-energetic Extracorporeal Shock Wave Treatment of Spasticity in Children and Adults – A Systematic Review

Systematic Review | Volume 2 | Issue 1 | JRS Jan – Jun 2022 | Page 03-08 | Karsten Knobloch, Henning Lohse-Busch, Andreas Gohritz, Tomas Nedelka

DOI: 10.13107/jrs.2022.v02.i01.33

Author: Karsten Knobloch [1], Henning Lohse-Busch [2], Andreas Gohritz [3], Tomas Nedelk [4,5]

[1] Department of Sports Medicine, SportPraxis Prof. Knobloch, Hannover, Germany.

[2] Zentrum für Bewegungsstörungen, Rheintalklinik Bad Krozingen, Germany.

[3] Department of Neurology, Universitätsspital Basel, Plastische, Rekonstruktive und Ästhetische Chirurgie, Handchirurgie, Suisse.

[4] Department of Neurology, Charles University in Prague, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Prague, Czech Republic.

[5] Department of Neurology, Czech Technical University, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Kladno, Czech Republic.

Address of Correspondence
Prof. Dr. Karsten Knobloch,
SportPraxis Prof. Knobloch, Heiligerstr. 3, D-30159 Hannover, Germany.


Introduction: This systemic review aims to assess the modes and treatment parameters of radial and focused extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) in spasticity based on the technologies and energy levels involved.
Materials and Methods: 1086 patients from 31 randomized-controlled trials (RCT) or cohort studies are included. 300 children were studied in seven studies (3 RCTs) with two radial and four focused electromagnetic ESWT devices and 14 studies with 443 patients using focused ESWT (electrohydraulic 46 patients, electromagnetic 367 patients, and piezoelectric 30 patients).
Results: In electromagnetic focused ESWT 8 RCTs (n = 323 patients) and three cohort studies (n = 44) used either very low-energetic (0.03–0.05 mJ/mm2) with 1500–2000 shots and 4–5 Hz with 3–5 focused sessions, or low-energetic 0.07–0.12 mJ/mm2 with 1500–2000 shots with 4–5 Hz and 1–3 sessions. The 64 children in the five electromagnetic focused trials were treated with very low-energetic 0.03 mJ/mm2, 1500 shots, and three sessions. 17 studies (n = 687) were using radial technologies with 7 RCTs (n = 349) and ten cohort studies (n = 338). Among the 17 trials, four studies (1 RCT, 3 cohort studies) included 236 children treated with either very low-energetic 0.6–1 bar (two trials) or low-energetic 1.5–3 bar with 5–10 Hz. Energy-wise three radial studies were very low-energetic 0.6–1 bar and 14 studies applied low-energetic radial pressures 1.5–3 bar. Notably, the frequency was mainly 4–8 Hz in the radial studies.
Conclusion: Both, radial and focused very low- to low-energetic ESWT improve function and reduce spasticity significantly. Adverse effects were not noted with the applied very low- to low-energetic device parameters neither among children nor in adults.

Keywords: Spasticity, Extracorporeal shock wave therapy, Extracorporeal shockwave therapy, Children.


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How to Cite this article: Knobloch K, Lohse-Busch H, Gohritz A, Nedelka T | Very Low and Low-energetic Extracorporeal Shock Wave Treatment of Spasticity in Children and Adults–A Systematic Review. | Journal of Regenerative Science | Jan – Jun 2022; 2(1): 03-08.

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An Invitation to the 24th World Congress of the International Society for Medical Shockwave Treatment

Editorial | Vol 2 | Issue 1 |  Jan – Jun 2022 | page: 01-02 | Tomáš Nedělka1,2,3, Petra Poklopová1,3, Jakub Katolický1,3

DOI: 10.13107/jrs.2022.v02.i01.031

Author: Tomáš Nedělka [1,2,3], Petra Poklopová [1,3], Jakub Katolický [1,3]

[1] Czech Technical University Prague, Faculty of Biomedical Engineering, Prague, Czech Republic.

[2] Charles University Prague, 2nd Medical Faculty, Prague, Czech Republic.

[3] Charles University Prague, 2nd Medical Faculty, Prague, Czech Republic.

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Tomáš Nedělka, M.D., Ph.D,
Bělohorská 416/25, Prague 6, 169 00, Czech Republic.


The 24th World Congress of the International Society for Medical Shockwave Treatment (ISMST) is finally here! We are very excited to invite you to this wonderful event held in magical Prague, the heart of Europe between the 8th and the 10th of September 2022.

ISMST represents an inclusive communication platform, where top class speakers share their late research and news regarding clinical applications of the shockwave science. The program of this year’s 24th world congress has been uniquely structured to cover key applications of the shockwave therapy, namely, extracorporeal shockwave therapy (ESWT) and radial pressure waves (RPW) technology.

Leading specialists, world known physicians and physiotherapists will share their insights at this highly recognized educational and informative event. The first scientific session, called “New Horizons in Shockwave Medicine,” will be introduced on Friday the 9th by Prof. Johannes Holfeld.
He is the founder and head of Cardiac Regeneration Research Group (CARE) at Innsbruck Medical University, and he will present on the purpose of ESWT in Cardiac Surgery. Prof. Holfeld is also well known for development of shockwave therapy for myocardial regeneration. In addition, Prof. Karsten Knobloch will elaborate on the new horizons in shockwave medicine and discuss the “Brain lymphatic system and its implications for Transcranial Pulse Stimulation in Neurodegenerative Diseases,” which are a novel approach of ESWT use in neurodegenerative diseases and dementia. He will also discuss the topics of ESWT in football and esthetic medicine later in the day. Prof. Knobloch is a board-certified reconstructive and esthetic surgeon, hand surgeon, and general surgeon and also the current president of the German society for extracorporeal shockwave therapy (DIGEST). Another “new horizon” – namely, the dental pathologies – will be presented by Prof. Daniel Moya rom Argentina. There will be other amazing international speakers from USA, Germany, Austria, Taipei, Czech Republic, and Italy taking part of the topic with whom you may discuss your points of interest and this will be followed by a nice cup of coffee and refreshments.

The next sessions will be dedicated to “ESWT and Sports, ESWT in Neurology, ESWT in Skin and ESWT in Urology and Sexual Medicine.” The highlight of ESWT and Sports is the lecture by Prof. Heinz Lohrer who participated as the head team physician of the German Gymnastics Olympic Teams in Barcelona, Atlanta, and Sydney. Prof. Lohrer has won multiple international awards for his research and work. He will share his insights into the use of ESWT in the Olympic games. His presentation will be followed by shockwave specialists from South Korea, Germany, Columbia, Qatar, Malaysia, and UK to name a few. For those interested in Orthopedic Sport Medicine Arthroscopy and a wide range of tendon disorders, Prof. Nicola Maffulli is definitely an important speaker not to be missed.

In the second half of the day, Dr. Tomáš Nedělka, this year’s president of the International Society for Medical Shockwave Therapy congress, wil be presenting about the latest innovations in ESWT in Neurology. Prof. Reiner Mittermayr from Austria and Dr. Irwin Goldstein from USA will be leading the individual topics during the second half of the first day of the congress.

We are going to kick off day two of the ISMST with the topic of “RPW in Physiotherapy,” whereby the leading keynote speaker is also Prof. Heinz Lohrer. Other scientific sessions on the day include “Recent Development in Orthopedics and Traumatology” and “ESWT Pain Management.” Prof. Mittermayr and Prof. Gerdesmeyer will be leading the discussions on those key subjects, whereby all delegates are encouraged to participate in interesting discussions afterward. The day will be concluded by well-known Czech specialist in rehabilitation medicine Dr. Jiří Nedělka, successor of famous professor Janda, sharing more than 20 years of experience in combining Prague School of Manual Medicine and ESWT in various myofascial applications.

We have also prepared for you an instructional certification course (ICC) for medical doctors and physiotherapists, which will be held on September 8, 2022 on the congress site. This 1-day course will enhance your knowledge about the basics of technology, indications, contraindications, and practical application of ESWT and RPW. For your information, these courses are taught by high-ranking international lecturers with great knowledge and experience in ESWT. ICC for physiotherapists is focused on the use of RPW, and the course for physicians covers not only RPW but also focuses on ESWT, which is restricted to physicians use only. This course is certified after completing a final test at the end of the course.


Dr. Tomáš Nedělka

Dr. Petra Poklopová

Dr. Jakub Katolický



How to Cite this article: Nedělka T, Poklopová P, Katolický J. | An invitation to the 24th World Congress of the International Society for Medical Shockwave treatment.  | Journal of Regenerative Science | Jan – Jun 2022; 2(1):01-02.

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