State of the Art in Ultrasound-Guided Surgery: Concept, Planning, Instruments, Classifications, Indications, and Literature Review

Review Article | Volume 2 | Issue 1 | JRS Jan – Jun 2022 | Page 16-21 | Bernáldez Domínguez Pedro, Dallo Lazzarini Ignacio
DOI: 10.13107/jrs.2022.v02.i01.37

Author: Bernáldez Domínguez Pedro [1], Dallo Lazzarini Ignacio [1]

[1] Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine, SportMe Medical Center, Unit of Biological Therapies and Ultrasounds, Seville, Spain.

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Bernáldez Domínguez Pedro, Md. PhD,
Tabladilla, 2, 41013, Seville, Spain.


Musculoskeletal ultrasound (MSK-U) and ultrasound-guided interventionism have had significant development and use in clinical practice in recent decades, including minimally invasive surgical procedures assisted by ultrasound. In the current literature, there is no consensus on the terminology of these procedures, with several terms used such as ultrasound-assisted surgery, ultrasound-guided surgery (UGS) or echo-guided surgery, sonosurgery, percutaneous ultrasound-guided procedures, and ultra-minimally invasive UGS. The MSK-U allows us to diagnose musculoskeletal injuries, but it is also a handy tool to assist us when performing different therapies on the tissues. They are procedures that require a good learning curve but that, once achieved, will allow us to develop other techniques depending on the type of pathology, obtaining good clinical results and in many cases avoiding having to open the focus or expand the surgical wound, with the advantages that this supposes. Therefore, UGS allows us to locate the exact site of the injury, understand the dynamics of the pathology; it does not need to open a wide surgical field, sometimes we will not put stitches or staples, and it can be combined with arthroscopic or endoscopic procedures (Ultrasound and Arthroscopic-guided Surgery). In this article, we describe the concept of UGS, its planning, the necessary instruments, the different indications, and a current concept review on the subject.

Keywords: Ultrasound-guided surgery, ultrasound-guided interventionism, ultrasound-assisted surgery, sonosurgery, ultrasound-arthroscopic surgery.


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How to Cite this article: Pedro BD, Ignacio DL | State of the Art in Ultrasound-Guided Surgery: Concept, Planning, Instruments, Classifications, Indications, and Literature Review. | Journal of Regenerative Science | Jan – Jun 2022; 2(1): 16-21.

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