Journal of Regenerative Science: A Step towards a more Biological Future

Vol 1 | Issue 1 |  December 2021 | page:01-02 | Dr. Ashok Shyam. DOI: 10.13107/jrs.2021.v01.i01.001

Author: Dr. Ashok Shyam [1,2]

[1] Department of Orthopaedic, Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, India.
[2] Chief Researcher, Orthopaedic Research Group, India.

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Ashok Shyam, MS Ortho.
Department of Orthopaedic, Sancheti Institute for Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation, Pune, Maharashtra, India.


Journal of Regenerative Science: A Step towards a more Biological Future

Biology defines and forms basis of every disease and treatment modality, it is the fundamental on which the entire science of medicine stands upon.

Restoration of Biology is essentially the core principle of Regenerative medicine. Regenerative Medicine is defined as “Regenerative Medicine is an emerging interdisciplinary field of research and clinical applications focused on the repair, replacement or regeneration of cells, tissues or organs to restore impaired function resulting from any cause, including congenital defects, disease, trauma and aging.” [1]. From the definition is clear the optimal restoration of functional biology is the aim of Regenerative medicine as opposed to clinical medicine where most of the focus lies on treating the symptoms or the external causative factors.

Regenerative medicine is a multidisciplinary branch which includes principles from engineering as well as biological sciences to utilise the innate ability of body to heal itself. A major part of this branch is dedicated to harvesting this ability while other parts are focussed on enhancing this ability or even replacing this ability by artificial means. The fact that earliest use of regenerative medicine was in early 1900 to prolong life or more specifically to slow the aging process. Although the term Regenerative medicine was coined in 1992 it was made popular only in 1999 and has seen the attention as well as applications in the field grow exponentially since then [2].

The scope of regenerative medicine is ever expanding but broadly focused on tissue engineering and tissue regeneration [3]. The Journal of Regenerative Science will focus more on tissue regeneration part, although advances and research in tissue engineering will receive special attention. When talks about this journal started few months back with Dr Daniel Moya, we were talking mostly in terms of tissue regeneration specifically non-invasive tissue regeneration using shockwaves. We had together conducted special webinars and scheduled talk on Shockwave therapies on our portal OrthoTV where we go incredible response to the concept. Feedback from viewers and especially orthopaedic surgeons was fantastic. We realised that this specific branch of regenerative medicine can be utilised quite effectively in musculoskeletal areas and would create a lot of positive impact on patient outcomes too. From this realisation stemmed the idea of creating a dedicated academic platform in form of Journal of Regenerative Science. It took us time to solidify the idea and find people who are as passionate as us about the subject. It is our great privilege to introduce the Editorial board of the Journal with the launch of first issue of JRS. We planned the first issue in two months and thanks to great effort by every author, we were able to bring out the first issue is a very short time. The issue is an excellent collection of invited articles form experts from across the globe and we are sure that reader will find value in reading these articles.

Regenerative science is a very futuristic branch, and it is still in its development phase. This is the stage where both the branch and the practitioner of the branch need to support each other through good research. For any new branch, current research is the foundation on which the future will be decided on. JRS is aimed to provide a peer reviewed platform where researchers can publish their research and help in growth of the specialty. JRS editorial board and reviewers list consists of great experts in the field and more will be joining us. This will help in maintaining highest quality of articles and publication in the Journal. At the same time, we wish to keep the focus of the articles to practical patient care too. Keeping both the academic as well as clinical aspect in mind we would like to extend an open invitation to all researchers in the field of Regenerative science to submit their work to the Journal.

The first issue is in your hands, and it is a work of lot of Love and hard work form authors and the editorial team. We sincerely hope that you will enjoy reading the articles and send us your feedback.

Wishing you a Very Safe and Happy New Year.


Dr. Ashok Shyam, MS Ortho


How to Cite this article: Shyam A. Journal of Regenerative Science: A Step towards a more Biological Future.  Journal of Regenerative Science | December 2021; 1(1):01-02.

  Dr. Ashok Shyam, MS Ortho

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Why a New Journal on Regenerative Medicine?

Vol 1 | Issue 1 |  December 2021 | page:03 | Dr. Daniel Moya. DOI: 10.13107/jrs.2021.v01.i01.003

Author: Dr. Daniel Moya [1]

[1] Department of Orthopaedic, Servicio de Ortopedia y Traumatología, Hospital Británico de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Daniel Moya, MD,.
Department of Orthopaedic, Servicio de Ortopedia y Traumatología, Hospital Británico de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina..


Why a New Journal on Regenerative Medicine?

“Strange times are these in which we live, when old and young are taught falsehoods in school. And the person that dares to tell the truth is called at once a lunatic and fool.” It sounds current, however, it was stated by Plato almost 2400 years ago.

Obviously, the collision between old and new ideas, different points of view, and scientific approaches has always been conflictive. In our times this situation is exacerbated by the enormous generation of information and by the indiscriminate access to it.

Educational offer includes scientific societies, universities, predatory editors, industry, and even beginners, who simply by having access to social media become opinion makers. The tenuous limits between scientific information, marketing, and entertainment have their maximum expression in the field of social media.

What can we do? The answer also comes from the golden age of Greece: The scientific method. Its basis is the search for truth. The truth cannot be modified by biases.

The findings of observation and experimentation should be disseminated.

Despite isolated initiatives, there has not been a coordinated effort or an editorial forum dedicated to techniques such as the use of mechanical waves in non-invasive regenerative medicine. That is the reason of this publication. This Journal will also include information on minimally invasive, and invasive techniques as long as they are related to tissue regeneration.

Any applied treatment has no value if it is not based on a precise diagnosis, so it will also be of interest to this Journal to include not only therapeutic concepts but also the discussion of the diagnostic criteria and the most commonly used complementary tests.

The heart and soul of a publication are the authors. I will be eternally grateful to them for trusting in this project and enthusiastically joining this first issue.

The circuit will be completed with readers, their opinion and contribution will be valued. We will develop a section dedicated to this. Interaction with the readers will surely give the publication more dynamics and enrich it.

It would have been impossible to make this initiative a reality without the encouragement and trust of Dr. Ashok Shyham Pasi, the technical and scientific contribution of The Indian Orthopedic Research Group, the support of the Ibero Latin American Federation of Shockwaves and Tissue Engineering, and the editing input of Ms. Kajal Mandalia.

If we manage to improve the practice of a colleague or benefit the quality of life of a patient anywhere in the world, our mission will be fulfilled.


Dr. Daniel Moya, MD


How to Cite this article: Moya D. Why a New Journal on Regenerative Medicine?.  Journal of Regenerative Science | December 2021; 1(1):3.

  Dr. Daniel Moya, MD

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