Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy in Calcifying Tendonitis of the Shoulder. Case Report

Case Report | Vol 4 | Issue 1 |  January-June 2024 | page: 03-05 | Oyama Arruda Frei Caneca Júnior

DOI: https://doi.org/10.13107/jrs.2024.v04.i01.119


Author: Oyama Arruda Frei Caneca Júnior [1]

[1] GOT – Orthopedics and Traumatology Group, Recife, Brazil.

Address of Correspondence
Oyama Arruda Frei Caneca Júnior,

GOT – Orthopedics and Traumatology Group, Recife, Brazil.

E-mail: oyama.arruda@gmail.com


Calcific tendonitis in the shoulder is very common. Patients who do not improve with physical therapy treatment may benefit from shockwave treatment before an invasive procedure is indicated. The focused shockwave treatment has a high degree of recommendation in calcific tendonitis of the shoulder, according to several studies with a high level of evidence. This report shows a 58-year-old female patient with calcific tendonitis of the shoulder with pain for more than 6 months without response to medication and rehabilitation treatment. Four sessions of 3000 pulses were performed with a focused shockwave piezoelectric device, with a maximum level of energy of 0.4 mj/mm2. Pain remission and calcification resorption were verified 3 months after the last application. Extracorporeal Shockwave Treatment is a safe and effective alternative for calcific tendonitis of the shoulder.
Keywords: ESWT, calcific tendinopathy, shoulder


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How to Cite this article: Caneca OAF Jr. Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy in Calcifying Tendonitis of the Shoulder. Case Report. Journal of Regenerative Science 2024;January-June;4(1):03-05

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