The Sports, Ultrasound, Biologics, and Arthroscopy Protocol in the New Era of Orthopaedic Sports Injuries Treatments

Review Article | Volume 1 | Issue 1 | JRS December 2021 | Page 16-20 | Bernáldez Domínguez Pedro, Dallo Lazzarini Ignacio. DOI: 10.13107/jrs.2021.v01.i01.011

Author: Bernáldez Domínguez Pedro [1], Dallo Lazzarini Ignacio [1]

[1] Department of Orthopaedic Surgery and Sports Medicine, SportMe Medical Center, Unit of Biological Therapies and Ultrasounds, Seville, Spain.

Address of Correspondence
Dr. Bernáldez Domínguez Pedro, MD. PhD
Tabladilla, 2, 41013, Seville, Spain.


In the new era of sports traumatology, the union of anatomical, biomechanical, and functional knowledge, together with an adequate clinical examination and complemented with ultrasound studies, arthroscopic surgery, and conventional surgery, makes us understand the pathology, in a new and modern way, of the locomotor system, such as the muscle, tendon, ligament, menisci, capsule, synovial membrane, as well as bone and cartilage pathologies. Biological therapies have shown a good result for soft tissue in chronic pathology that can be applied in an ultrasound guided manner to treat tendinopathy of the Achilles, patellar, and quadriceps tendons, also at the elbow and shoulder level. It is striking to highlight the good results of this biological therapy with platelet-rich plasma for degenerative joint diseases in patients with moderate osteoarthritis. In cases in which conservative or biological therapies have not had their effect, we will generally indicate surgery, in most cases arthroscopically if it is joint pathology. This indication will be mandatory, especially in joint instability cases where we will require stabilizing surgery. We emphasize the importance of multidisciplinary teams where there must be a sports doctor, a sports traumatologist, a physiotherapist, a functional trainer, a podiatrist, biomechanics specialist, and other professionals that surround the athlete, such as the nutritionist, the psychologist so that the athlete has comprehensive assistance and is always well cared for. Together, these concepts make a personalized approach named the Sports, Ultrasound, Biologics, and Arthroscopy protocol to improve clinical results, shorten recovery times, and considerably reduce healthcare costs.
Keywords: Sports, Ultrasound, Biologics, Arthroscopy protocol, Sports medicine, Ultrasound-guided therapies, Biological therapies, Arthroscopy.


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How to Cite this article: Pedro BD, Ignacio DL | The Sports, Ultrasound, Biologics, and Arthroscopy Protocol in the New Era of Orthopaedic Sports Injuries Treatments. | Journal of Regenerative Science | Dec 2021; 1(1): 16-20.

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